Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

{found here}
                    Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day ! :D

I originally wanted to make a post on some chocolate chip cookies i made. I finally found the confidence,( after failing a couple of baking recipes) to try to make David Lebovit'z Chocolate Chip Cookies yesterday.  There they are. down below. They're suppose to look like these or these ones, but unfortunately they don't. I found out the reason and it's because i over beated the butter and sugar. So when they baked they spread like wildfire. :(  They're flat as pancakes, actually i think pancakes are fluffier than these. Oh well, lesson learned and i shall try again! Someday. Not today. Maybe Tomorrow. Who knows? :D

1st Attempt at David Lebovit'z Chocolate Chip Cookies: Not Good, but edible!
If you wanna try to make there delicious cookies you can find the recipe here and here.! Let me know how your's goes if you try it! :D

Friday, February 4, 2011

C is for Chili and Coupon

I've been meaning to make a post on this for a while now but never had the time.2nd post :D

A while back ago, Melanie at The Coupon Goddess posted her recipe for chili and I thought it was the perfect timing! I've been searching for a good chili recipe for a while and this one seemed easy and quick! You can find the recipe here.

My Chili! (excuse my amateur photography skills!)
Not bad for my first try right? I thought it was delish!

Now, for my first successful couponing! Walgreens was on the route when i ran some errands so i thought " why not stop by?". There was deal at my local Walgreens, Butterfinger Snackerz  2/$1 and i used a $1/2 coupon making them free! I know it's not much compared to other frugal gals, but it's a start.

Have a great weekend everyone! :D

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hello Blogger!

After about a month of reading and following blogs, I've decided to start my own! This will be my little journal or "randomness recorder". Maybe some posts about some of my cooking/ baking "experiments", crafts, couponing( a recent hobby), and other bits and pieces. It'll be a slow and steady start, but hopefully a good one! :D